Video Insights
in Seconds

Time is the new currency, convert hours of video into minutes of insight. Maximize your productivity and reduce screen time.

50% off for the first 100 users

While you watch, others conquer. Time to catch up!

While you're stuck watching videos, life is passing you by


Success stories being written (without you)


Peace of mind sacrificed for information overload


Life-changing experiences happening elsewhere

Your secret weapon for efficient learning and
unmatched productivity

  • Our advanced AI analyzes videos and extracts key points, saving you hours of watching time. Get the essence of any video in minutes, not hours.
  • Dive into condensed knowledge nuggets. Our summaries highlight the most important information, ensuring you never miss crucial details.
  • Supercharge your efficiency. By condensing hours of video content into minutes of reading, you'll accomplish more in less time, freeing up your schedule for what truly matters.


Don't let videos waste your time!



Amplify your productivity




  • 1 year subscription
  • AI-powered video summaries
  • Offline access to summaries
  • Early access to new features
  • Reduce daily screen time
  • 1 year of updates
  • 24/7 support


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our extension provides you with concise and accurate AI-generated video summaries. You'll get key points, main ideas, and conclusions from any video, all presented in an easy-to-read format. This allows you to absorb essential information in a fraction of the time it would take to watch the entire video.
  • Currently, our extension is designed to work exclusively with YouTube videos. Simply activate the extension while on a YouTube video page, and you'll get an instant summary. We're actively working on expanding our compatibility to include other popular video platforms in the future, such as Vimeo, Coursera, and edX. Stay tuned for updates as we broaden our service to cover more of your video content needs.

  • Our summaries are generated by an advanced AI algorithm, trained to extract the most relevant and significant information from videos. While accuracy is high, we always recommend referring to the original video for critical details or information requiring additional context.

  • By providing concise summaries, our extension allows you to absorb key information from multiple videos in the time it would normally take to watch just one. This not only saves time but also helps you retain information better, enabling you to stay up-to-date with more content and make informed decisions more quickly.

  • Cool, contact us by email at